YIYE AVILA Pastor Cristiano PUERTO RICO Fe Iglesia LATINOAMERICA Faith Camuy
$ 9.9
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1925 - 2013
Esta subasta es por una (1) medalla bañada en Oro Puro y con detalles a Colores, de 40mm (tamaño Peso gordo) y terminado en Flor de Cuño "Proof-Like" con borde ranurado y 1 onza de peso, conmemorando los 90 años del Natalicio de Yiye Avila (1925 - 2013), tirada limitada a sólo cien (100) piezas enumeradas.
Presenta la imagen del Prócer Camuyano, "Embajador de Cristo," en enérgica Prédica del Evangelio con brazo elevado apuntando al Cielo, del cual irradian rayos luminosos de sol enardeciente que ilumina el paso de la paloma, símbolo del Espíritu Santo. Yiye aparece de cara al continente Americano, bordeado por la frase " Pastor de América." Aparecen su nombre y periodo de vida terrena. Una estrella marca la posición de Puerto Rico en el mapa Americano.
Al centro aparecen José y la Virgen María con el niñito Jesús en su regazo, admirando la llegada de Moisés portando Las Tablas de la Ley - Los 10 Mandamientos - éste iluminado por detrás, como Profeta ungido de Dios. El grupo, que simboliza LA FAMILIA CRISTIANA, aparece sobre la imagen de la Isla de Puerto Rico, que se yergue en medio de las Aguas Caribeñas, todo rodeado de palmeras, que resaltan nuestra condición tropical, y que simbólicamente nos transportan a tierra prometida, donde curiosamente, hojas de palma, como dice la Biblia, marcaron el festejo de la procesión de nuestro Señor Jesucristo a su llegada a Jerusalén, durante sus prédicas. Bajo la imagen aparece el número de serie de cada pieza. Al centro de todo, dentro de la silueta Puertorriqueña, aparece la inscripción " LA ISLA DEL CORDERO," frase con la que Yiye solía llamar a su país de nacimiento, tanto en el sentido literal de ser el Cordero Pascual la imagen en nuestro escudo, como en el sentido profético de la búsqueda de Cristo y la Fé Cristiana.
La obra es coronada por el magnífico Círculo Latinoamericano, representado por las banderas de 21 países Americanos y España, países tanto de habla Castellana (
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, República Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Venezuela, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay
) como Francesa -
- y
- Brasil - representación de que el Evangelista Yiye Avila no es ya Antillano, sino Internacional, como él mismo decidiera ser, siendo guiado por la Palabra de Dios.
Las pequeñas islas restantes del Archipiélago de Puerto Rico: Vieques, Culebra, y Mona sí aparecen, pequeñas, bajo imagen de las olas, de mayor tamaño; Isla Caja de Muertos aparece, como punto justo sobre el número de serie de cada medalla
Frase célebre de Yiye Avila
Here is an auction for one (1) 40mm - 1.5 inches - Morgan Dollar sized Gold plated Colorized limited edition medal, consisting of 100 serial numbered Proof Like pieces commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of World Renown Christian Evangelist of Puerto Rican descent, Yiye Avila, the most famous Latin American Preacher of the Christian Faith ever, whose humility and sense of perseverance opened doors worldwide to many local Pastors to imitate his foot steps and become modern regional Evangelists in their own right.
Yiye Ávila
From Wikipedia
José Joaquín Ávila Portalatín (September 11, 1925 – June 28, 2013), better known as Yiye Ávila, was a Puerto Rican Pentecostal Evangelist
and writer of
origins. He was also Mr. North America in 1953.
His family were Jewish Sephardic that converted to Christianity, Yiye Ávila Portalatín was born in Camuy, Puerto Rico.
His parents (Pablo Ávila and Herminia Portalatin) were both schoolteachers, and he eventually followed in their footsteps. Surprisingly, though, he enrolled at Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico in San Germán
, with plans to study medicine. There he graduated with a bachelor's degree in natural sciences and completed his pre-medical studies. In spite of this success, however, he chose to return to his hometown of Camuy and teach chemistry and biology at the local high school, where he taught for the next 22 years. Eventually, however, a change of careers would come about that would take him to over 100 countries.
He began playing baseball in the Double A
level and training as a weight lifter.
In 1952, he competed and won the Mr. Puerto Rico bodybuilding contest and would go on to win the title of Mr. North America in 1953
While training for the summer Olympic Games
of 1956, Ávila experienced terrible pain in parts of his body and, after various tests, was diagnosed with chronic arthritis
by his doctors. This prevented him from participating in the Olympics or in any other future sporting event. The pain was so intense, that Ávila suffered limited mobility and could not even perform everyday chores. Ávila turned to Christianity and began praying, seeking divine intervention for his situation. According to him, he received a divine revelation through the reading and study of Christian bible and allegedly received healing from Jesus Christ. From that time on, he dedicated himself to ministry.
Although Yiye Ávila was always deeply interested in Christianity, he reportedly was convinced to dedicate all his life and work to evangelism after watching a Christian television show hosted by Oral Roberts, an American tele-evangelist in the early 1960s. In 1967, Ávila retired after 21 years as a teacher and began to concentrate on Christian work instead. He became a full-time preacher and, in 1972, he invited several friends, family, and neighbors to form the
Escuadron Relampago Cristo Viene
("Christ Is Coming Lightning Squadron"), which would congregate constantly in a small room in his house to discuss the Bible, salvation,
Christianity, and the Apocalypse.
Eventually, his ministry and followers increased dramatically, and a new three story building near the PR # 2 state road was built to accommodate the attending public. His preaching was followed by various church groups and many Latin American evangelists invited him to preach to their local communities and churches. This demand prompted Yiye to create a radio program and, eventually, a television network called
Cadena Del Milagro
Miracle Network
) so that his preaching could reach those same communities that he visited. The network and his ministry has grown considerably over the years, expanding to magazines, books, audio tapes, videos and televised scheduled programming. The three story building which he and his close followers originally built now serves as the headquarters for Yiye's ministry and his television network.
Beginning the 1970s, Yiye became a laborious evangelist, visiting almost all Latin American countries, many North American cities, and parts of Europe at one time or another. He appeared on a daily morning telecast preaching selected verses from the Bible and receiving prayer petitions from viewers. He also appeared every Saturday night on the network's flagship show,
Campaña Por TV
(Campaigning Through TV), where he preached selected verses of the New Testament
, presents Christian music groups, and invited viewers to convert to Christianity. In his shows he encouraged viewers to constantly congregate by going to Christian churches and to form Christian groups to discuss the Bible and current events. These shows and many other programs are broadcast in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, and are transmitted via satellite to Latin America, the continental United States and certain parts of Europe.
In addition to his television shows and public preaching, Yiye Ávila was a prolific writer, publishing numerous works throughout his ministry years. Furthermore, many of his public preachings have been recorded and published in tapes and compact discs.
Yiye Ávila was married to Carmen Delia Talavera (better known as Yeya) and had three daughters: Noemí, Doris Myrna, and Carmen Ilia. In 1989, his daughter Carmen Ilia was murdered by her husband. On April 28, 2009, his daughter Noemi Ávila, a Christian pastor herself, died in a car accident in Freites, Venezuela.
Although his ministry has expanded across three continents and he has become a household name among Christian families in Latin America, he preferred a humble life, reportedly living in the same house he owned and in the same conditions before his ministry began. In 2009, he suffered a debilitating stroke
that limited his speech capabilities, and he retired from public preaching. On June 28, 2013, Yiye Ávila died from cardiac arrest at the age of 87.
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